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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bootleg Disaster Video

You won't see footage like this on CNN.


Anonymous98507 said...

Can't see it, Spinnaker, because I don't belong to Facebook (and refuse to join).

Spinnaker said...

Sorry about that, 98507. If I can figure out a way to separate the video from FB, I'll re-post.

Anonymous98507 said...

You don't have to do anything extraordinary on my account. It's my decision not to join, so if I miss out on something, it's on my head. :-)

Spinnaker said...

WHO is the asshole who thinks this video is funny? Really. I'd like to know how somebody can be sick enough to get a laugh out of this kind of tragedy.

a real winer said...

A friend posted this on her facebook page the day after the disaster. It's hard to fathom what happened there even after seeing this video, and it's even harder to imagine what was going through people's minds as they witnessed the water rising higher and higher and lifting buildings off their foundations. Must have seemed like the world was ending.

As for the asshole, I really don't want to know who it is, except maybe to know who/what to avoid, kinda like not wanting to accidentally step in dog shit.