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Sunday, March 13, 2011

MR's Mantra

MR (MRenchirito of News Tribune fame, aka.....well, you know who) keeps repeating this over and over:

"mrenchirito says:
March 13, 2011 at 10:40 am
"On February 14, 2011, January Special Session Senate Bill 11 was introduced by the Joint Committee on Finance, at the request of Governor Scott Walker, to address the budget deficit for the current fiscal year."
Read more:

This is uh MR's explanation of how the GOP Senators in Wisconsin could use the nuclear option to eliminate collective bargaining.  Now, there are just a couple of issues that MR is leaving out (as usual).

1.  Nuclear Option cannot be exercised on a budget item.  Thus if the alleged "special session" was as stipulated, the GOP violated procedure, as per Wisconsin law. (we all know that for purposes of that vote, they stripped the budget items from the issue, thus a "new" item meeting without 24 hours notice)

2.  Why would you call a "January Special Session" on February 14th??????????????

I've watched in amazement for many years, how certain people can ignore the obvious because a statement contains a couple of words that they want to see.  This is a classic example of exactly that.  By the way, the Wisconsin Senate website stipulates that the regular session goes from January well into April....

Passing thought - we all know that someone has an obsession about using the word "retard", knowing it's offensive.  Isn't it interesting that she chose a moniker with the initials of "MR"?

I've heard it said when people are busy pointing their finger, they are missing the three fingers on the same hand that are pointing back at themselves

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