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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

According to the Olympian, Inslee has changed parties!

Need I say more?  [snort]
GOP governor hopeful Jay Inslee changes course, will now do business debate
By MIKE BAKER | The Associated Press. Published March 28, 2012

Apparently Inslee will do anything to be governor, even switch parties.

The Olympian is the newspaper for the state capitol of the great State of Washington. Would you please find someone to write your webpage headlines who has taken at least a high school civics class and knows the difference between a Republican (ie., GOP) and a Democrat.

Olympian staffers don't read these comments very often, so it doesn't do any good to point out their errors.  Besides we've been told by Tammy that this isn't the forum for doing that-- we're supposed to contact the news desk.  Well, good luck with that.  I've tried that and nobody answers the phone!
in reply to Kat

Seriously...I mean I just ignore the occasional typos, but that headline is ridiculous.
in reply to Kat

It appears that Inslee really has, "changes course"

Read more here:

1 comment:

Anonymous98507 said...

The title has been changed to:
Gubernatorial hopeful Jay Inslee changes course, will now do business debate

The article still doesn't identify Inslee as being a Democrat.