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Monday, March 5, 2012

Eyman: crowing about Democratic defections

Read this Guest Commentary in the Everett Herald keeping in mind that Eyman is full of inflammatory bombast.
One-party rule finally implodes in Olympia
By Tim Eyman
Olympia's Democrats threw a huge childish hissy-fit on Friday, stomping their feet, spitting venom and bile, holding their breath and turning blue ... all because (gasp!) they didn't have the votes but Republicans did -- and they're still pouting about it.


Kardnos said...

They got the vote they needed by letting Pam Roach back in their caucus, after banning her for her behavior.

Nothing like ethics, huh, Timmy?

Anonymous98507 said...

Wonder how long it will be before Pammy loses her temper again and goes off on more staffers?