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Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Apparently Texas' AG thinks the state has deep pockets to be able to pay out the money awarded in response to the discrimination lawsuits that will be brought.

*  So preventing persecution by "christian" Bigots is "persecuting" the "christian" bigot? How juvenile. I suppose you think it is "intolerant" of the Gay couple to get married because some narrow minded chucklehead can't handle treating them equally? Just like Blacks not accepting second class treatment by Conservative White "Christians" at lunch counters etc....out of "tolerance" for the "opinions" of the Bigot..
*  The religious fanatics in the U.S. use religion like a weapon and all these people are Republicans as I've not seen a Democrat use religion to deny anyone anything.
*  The whole notion that these Bigots with Bibles are "sincere" is phony on its face...these clerks, bakers, etc... single out Gay couples and don't blink an eye or hold their tongues about the numerous other things as "christians" they supposedly object is obviously just an excuse and should be brushed aside not coddled ....
    *  ...  they seem to have forgotten "judge not lest you be judged" and "love thy neighbor as thyseld." Funny how they leave out the parts of the bibile they don't like or adhere to.
*  Typical "Right Wing" religious hypocrisy:  If they discriminate against or criticize you , it's called religious freedom, if you return the favor it's called persecution .  The *United States Of America is not a Theocracy. Mixing religion with govt always poisons the well . Separation of church and state works. It's the only way for .both to exist in purity. The Founding Fathers knew this.
*   Because Conservative "christian" bigots think invoking religion absolves them from being properly labeled as ignorant bigots...notice how many people will crticize someone for nutty views and actions but if that person invokes their Invisible deity they often have gotten a pass
Texas' Attorney General Is Confused About How Religious Liberty Works
By Carolyn Davis, July 1, 2015

Want to get married in Texas? Better make sure the clerk issuing your marriage license thinks your wedding is cool with Jesus — or with God, Krishna, the Qur’an, or whatever other religious deity or set of sincerely-held beliefs shapes the clerk’s conscience when it comes to marriage.

Read the whole story at ThinkProgress

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