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Saturday, April 2, 2016

"Abortion opponents know they cannot advocate penalties for women because they are politically unacceptable."

*  Well, for one thing it would require that a woman who is raped and taken to the emergency room, be denied the morning after pill and forced to go through the pregnancy. And if a woman had a fetus with severe abnormalities, to include no brain (a condition called anencephaly) she would likewise need to carry this to term. Not to mention forcing women with cancer to not get treatment as it might injure a fetus, even if that fetus was a few weeks old with no brain tissue. It goes on and on, but they don't care really because they feel they are acting on God's orders and no reasonableness or thought is required.
*  The reason the women have the legal right to seek and obtain an abortion, numbnuts, is THAT THE SUPREME COURT SAYS SO!!!!! PERIOD! And those performing abortions have the LEGAL RIGHT to do so for the same reason. WHAT IS SO DAMN HARD TO UNDERSTAND ABOUT IT??????
*  If a woman was told she would certainly die if she carried a fetus to term, needed to abort the fetus and was denied this procedure, carried to term and died. would the law hold the politicians/judge accountable for killing this woman?
*  ... where do you get the delusion you get to dictate what is 'wrong'? What is wrong is the attitude that women are just life support for a uterus, and that an oblivious collection of nonviable tissue and cells is more valuable than she is. The only parallel between slavery and abortion is your attitude and the attitude of other anti choicers towards women is no better than a slave owners attitude towards a slave. In some future where men and women are more evolved they'll see your Reich wing misogyny with nothing but contempt, derision and disgust.
*  The Jesus freaks wonder why there's a 'war on them'. Jesus isn't even an American citizen, He doesn't get a vote on this issue and that includes His agents.
*   ... Republicans are some very messed up people. I hope they don't get their way and we go back to forcing women to carry pregnancies against their will. Any pregnant woman is in a dangerous situation. Pregnancy is painful, permanently changes your body, and threatens your life. Of course women should be able to choose.
The scary illogic of pro-life
By Carter Eskew, April 1, 2016

Here’s what I don’t understand: If abortion is murder, why shouldn’t women be penalized?

After saying women should face legal consequences for having an abortion, Donald Trump quickly retreated to the “politically correct” antiabortion position that abortion providers, not recipients, should be penalized. “The woman is a victim in this case,” Trump said, “as is the life in her womb,” echoing almost precisely the language used by such pro-lifers as Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum. The antiabortion movement knew immediately how damaging Trump’s comments could be, and my guess is they quickly handed him their talking points. 

This controversy inadvertently exposed two fundamental contradictions within the antiabortion movement. First, it wants to present an empathetic face to women, but its approach is paternal and condescending. “The woman is a victim” assumes that women are incapable of making decisions. But that contradiction pales in comparison to the other one raised by Trump’s backtrack. In movies such as “The Silent Scream,” the antiabortion movement has for years provided gory and inaccurate details of the pain and violence of an abortion. So, if abortion is the violent murder of a human being, why not follow this twisted logic and punish women for having one? We don’t hold the perpetrators of any other violent act harmless unless they are insane or acted in self-defense, and the antiabortion movement hasn’t argued women who have abortions fall into either category.

Abortion opponents know they cannot advocate penalties for women because they are politically unacceptable. But that is today. The movement has shown remarkable discipline and patience over the past 40 years and has steadily eroded the availability of abortion in the United States. Perhaps, Trump’s “mistake” was not that he disagreed with the antiabortion stance, but that he got ahead of it. He was simply following the antiabortion position to its logical conclusion.

How long before the movement joins him? That’s what worries me.

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