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Monday, April 4, 2016

"The mission for GOP leaders now is making sure this is a temporary problem by mitigating damage inside the party and with emerging demographic groups." Hmmm, not possible?

*  The GOP's loss will be America's gain.
*  The chickens are coming home to roost, and my god it's beautiful.
*  The seeds of dissension that the GOP sowed in 2008 are in the process of being harvested in 2016. And it's sad. Our form of democracy needs to have at least 3 strong parties instead of the current 1 - Wall St.
*  The GOP put themselves in this position by pandering to the Koch's cadre of billionaires' hundreds of millions of dollars they annually give to pols and right wing think tanks to advance their "let big business do what they want without restraint" agenda
*  Traditional republicans should be very concerned about what their party has become. The short term gains provided by Karl Rove and other neocons by using lies and other devious means (e.g. Swift Boat) to attract voters have created Trump, Cruz and other candidates that don't come close to representing traditional republican values. Trump is now the face of your party. He is your brand. I hope voters realize this when voting for senators, representatives, and other officials in the local, state, and federal elections.
*   yeah, too bad, so sad. That is what they get for grid locking the process. The GOP's if we can't win, nobody wins methods have really hurt the U.S. Bring back Tip and Reagan. Nice to see the rational comments posted here.
The GOP’s lose-lose situation this summer
By James Pindell, March 4, 2016

Washington Republicans, scrambling to figure out how to best organize the national convention, are discovering there might not be a best -- or any good way -- to do this.

Heading into the Wisconsin primary on Tuesday, there are just two possible scenarios for the July confab: New York businessman Donald Trump is either the Republican presidential nominee, or he isn’t.

If he is the nominee, then a recent electoral college analysis shows Trump would struggle to win 200 out of the necessary 270 electoral college votes. In other words, he would lose badly and likely damage the GOP’s chances of keeping control of the US Senate.

Trump could also be denied the nomination, and Republicans could instead award it to Ted Cruz, or, as some are suggesting, US House Speaker Paul Ryan. But then the Republican base could revolt, putting the party in a bad place for November.

What’s more, even if Trump does not get the nomination at the convention, it’s unlikely he will go away. He could still fire off angry tweets, appear on television, and generally wreak havoc for the GOP. He could organize an independent bid in some states he (He did say last week he would no longer support the GOP nominee if it wasn’t him).

In the short-term, the Republican party faces a no-win situation. The mission for GOP leaders now is making sure this is a temporary problem by mitigating damage inside the party and with emerging demographic groups.

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