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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The GOP is using bogus "precedents" in their efforts to deny Garland a SCOTUS seat.

*  Blatent, bizarre extremism. By their own logic, any Senator who is in the fifth year of their six year term should have no say in this at all, which immediately rules out 24 GOPers.
*  So, from now on, Senators and House members cannot vote on any bill because they do not represent the will of the people.
*  GOP believes the political interests of the GOP are more important than a SC vacancy. Party First, Country Last: GOP 2016.
*  The people elected Obama (twice), Obama is currently in office, Obama has the legal right to nominate a judge, and Congress is legally bound to consider and appoint any nominees. And they whine about Obama ignoring the constitution - who the F votes for these people?
*  Get rid of all republicans its always been the No party.
*  This is no newsflash. The gop has been sand bagging everything for years. They will pay the price in the coming years. I will not vote for any gop incumbents.
GOP SCOTUS Stalling Has Nothing to Do with ‘The People’
By Rob Garver, May 9, 2016

The supposed principle on which Senate Republicans have been refusing to consider President Obama’s nomination of Judge Merrick Garland to serve on the Supreme Court has been that the American people should have a “voice” in the selection of the next Supreme Court Justice.

The logic behind the claim has always been tortured. The man who nominated Garland was elected by the American people, as were the senators who would have to confirm him. Yet Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) refuse to hold a hearing on the nomination. They have also relied on a supposed “precedent,” woven from whole cloth that says Supreme Court nominees are not confirmed in a president’s final year in office.

But in general, the argument has been that Barack Obama should not be allowed to select another Supreme Court Justice -- that job should be passed on to his successor.

“The American people may well elect a president who decides to re-nominate Judge Garland,” McConnell wrote in a USA Today op-ed last month. “The next president may also nominate someone very different. Either way, we can continue to work on legislative solutions, and the American people can continue the national conversation about the type of justice who should serve on the Supreme Court.”

In an appearance on Meet the Press on Sunday, though, Republican Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona dropped a hint that what critics of the GOP’s strategy on Garland have been arguing all along is true: The decision to block his nomination has nothing to do with letting the American people choose the person who will appoint someone to fill the seat of recently deceased Justice Antonin Scalia.

In fact, if the American people choose a president who might nominate someone more liberal than Garland, Flake said, they ought to be ignored.

“Republicans are more than justified in waiting,” he told host Chuck Todd. “That is following both principle and precedent. The principle is to have the most conservative qualified jurist that we can have on the Supreme Court, not that the people ought to decide before the next election. I’ve never held that position. If we come to a point––I’ve said all along––where we’re going to lose the election in November, then we ought to approve him quickly, because I’m certain he’ll be more conservative than a Hillary Clinton nomination.

Yes, well, so much for the people.

Meanwhile Garland, an almost universally admired figure who is current chief judge of the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, has been waiting to have his nomination considered for nearly two months, with no end in sight.

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