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Sunday, May 29, 2016

"'... there are constraints in this country,' he continued. 'You don’t get to do anything you want to.'" Oh, really, Mitch? Can we quote you the next time you do something stupid?

*  'Mitch McConnell on Trump: Our system will protect against 'big mistakes''  Like our system saved US from his Republican Presidential nomination?  Why should America risk Trump's CLEARLY expected 'big mistakes' at all?
*  It almost did not survive Baby Bush and the DarkLord VP.
*  Still waiting on the Americans in Kentucky to correct the problem with this RINO.
*  This flies in the face of logic when you consider that the"system" did not protect us from Boehner or McConnell.
*  Here is the biggest mistake that McConnell always makes. They do not have a system. They never had a system and they will never have a system. They do not know how to establish a system. Besides if Trump wins he will be smart enough to through McConnell out.
Mitch McConnell on Trump: Our system will protect against 'big mistakes'
By Allegra Kirkland, May 27, 2016

Apparently trying to reassure those worried about GOP nominee Donald Trump’s take-no-prisoners approach to politics, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is issuing a reminder that all commanders-in-chief face systemic and institutional “constraints” that will prevent "big mistakes."

“Well, one thing I’m pretty calm about is that this is nowhere near the most divisive period in American history,” McConnell said in a preview of an upcoming CBS “Sunday Morning” interview. "But what protects us in this country against big mistakes being made is the structure, the Constitution, the institutions."

“No matter how unusual a personality may be who gets elected to office, there are constraints in this country,” he continued. “You don’t get to do anything you want to.” 

Trump’s proposals to build a southern border wall that Mexico would pay for, temporarily ban Muslim immigrants, and forcibly deport 11 million undocumented immigrants are among his more extreme policy positions. 

McConnell endorsed Trump in early May after his win in Indiana effectively cleared the Republican field, though other Republican leaders, including House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) have withheld their endorsements for now.

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