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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Battle royal between a couple of the commenters on the Zero

UPDATE:  Anonymll's original post was restored and Wild_Child's was removed.  Also, the posts with the profanity were removed.
My oh my, a battle royal has been going on!   Wild_Child posted, rejoicing, about a piece that turned out to be a hoax (he/she didn't scroll down and read the "gotcha" at the bottom), and when  Anonymll called him/her on it, the comments kept disappearing!   Anonymll was being stubborn and reposting the response again and again.

Just as I suspected......
A study back in August showed Liberals have a lower average IQ than Conservatives as evidenced by the mess our country is in with the Islamic-rooted 0bama currently in charge.
(Edited by author 4 hours ago)
Well,  Anonymll's post disappeared again, and he/she must have tried posting it again, because now it says:

This comment was flagged for review.
This is ridiculous!  There are a series of posts still there that are full of profanity and those aren't being touched.....


a real winer said...

So, the Child pole vaulted to an erroneous conclusion because he didn't finish his homework and read the whole article. Good for Anonymii. A mind IS a terrible thing to waste.

Kardnos said...

Who has the lower IQ?

Kinda funny how The Zippidydodah will delete a comment in context from another source calling it "profanity" but will leave in some of the most disgusting statements imaginable on the subject of gay marriage...because they don't use "profanity"

Well shitfuckpissspitballsassdick!

sidrat38 said...

I just went through that thread and see where Wild represented himself as 6"4'. 275 lbs..

..that sounds a little heavy..

Perhaps he should try out for "The Biggest Loser".

...just sayin'