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Monday, February 20, 2012

A New ThurstonBlog Feature

There is a picture of a hand with an upraised middle finger at a local left wing blog, maybe it was them.
Send in your "no whining" quotes to


a real winer said...

But, wining is still allowed, right?

Anonymous98507 said...

Oh, of course! After all, Washington State is primo wine country, so we have to sample the wares, don't we?

Kardnos said...

I'm wondering how many of those fools will click on the link

a real winer said...

Oh good. Better to be a winer than a whiner any day.
Having witnessed the beginnings of wine country in my home corner of the state, I could be biased, but there's really no denying the excellent quality wines that say "Washington" on the label. So many wines, so little time :).