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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

It was bound to happen

The Zero is now going to limit comments to 250 words.... it was bound to happen after too many people started posting "tomes" (especially MountOlympusxxx with all the copying/pasting).  As for CherokeeNative, she was too kind with her responses to Tammy (who surely must know why comments were deleted).... [snort]


  • CherokeeNative
    There are currently three articles regarding the gay-marriage law being commented on in the O - and in each one, the opponents of gay marriage are condemning the passage of the gay marriage law as being against their religious beliefs.

    No matter how many times it is pointed out that civil marriage is a legal status granted by the state and has nothing - I repeat - has nothing to do with reigious marriage, the debate over the opponents' arguments eventually circle back to religion.

    This is exactly why the gay marriage law should never be given to the citizens to vote on - beside the fact that the civil rights of a human being should never be a popularity contest - but also, because the opponents cannot set aside their faith and look at the issue strictly from a legal standpoint under the Constitution. Thus, even if the gay marriage law is finally brought to vote by referendum, it will not end there - it will end up in the courts, and although it will prolong the ultimate, gay marriage will eventually become legal not only in the state of Washington, but the entire United States.

    The right to marry has been recognized by the US Supreme Court as a fundamental right under the United States Constitution. Government has no business intruding on our personal lives. A Constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage would write discrimination into the Constitution. Indeed, the 9th Circuit recently confirmed this when it struck down California's Proposition 8. We do not democratically decide on fundamental rights. People have inalienable rights that cannot be taken away or brought to a vote. A law excluding same-sex couples from marriage simply cannot survive any level of scrutiny under the Constitiution.

    Washingtonians have the right to practice their religious faith and there is no reason to intertwine their moral responsibilities under their faith and their moral responsibilities as an American. It is when you try to combine the two that there are problems. For Christians, all you need to understand is that God does not ask that you judge - in fact, Jesus' ministries teaches you otherwise. Christians only need to guide their lives and their childrens' lives under the word of the Lord.

    As an American, we have the responsibility of insuring that equal rights are afforded to all. Look to your history as an American. For many, but for the Constitution, they would not be allowed to vote, they would still be required to ride at the back of the bus, or worse, their bodies and that of their children's would be the property of someone else to do as they choose.

    Follow Jesus' teachings and let God do his job (judge not lest ye be judged), and you do yours as an American - As a nation, we began by declaring that "all men are created equal." We now
    practically read it "all men are created equal, except homosexuals."
  • Tammy McGee , Moderator for
    Please limit comments to 250 words or less.

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