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Monday, February 8, 2016

"... If you want more bombing, more killing, more war, more torture, more police, more walls and lower taxes on corporations ..., vote Republican in November."

*  Don't confuse a Republican with facts. They are bad enough as it is and I am convinced they are unteachable. I think there is something in the water and not just in Flint.
*  My fervent hope is that the intense hatred of Obama and tthe incredible crap espoused about what he has actually done will not blind people to what these guys are actually saying. They are all a hell of a lot more dangerous than Obama ever thought about being.
*  Obama's Term (not reign) as president could have been much more productive if the GOP had not decided to obstruct anything he wanted to do - even if they had previously shared his position because he is a black man... Shame on you. Old gray haired WHITE men are findig it hard to accept that they are now in the minority.
   *  What do you mean the GOP has not been in office for the last 8 years? What do you call the GOP controlled Congress?
*  Remember when it was in vogue for them to be a 'compassionate conservative"? I sure don't hear anything like that now.
*   I found the "debate" terrifying. None of them sound like true Americans. None of them sounded intelligent and there was no debate. The lies they spread about Democrats and each other were like manure in a cattle field full to capacity with livestock. Not one of them showed they had any real knowledge or experience to actually accomplish much more than murder, torture and increasing the deficit.
*  Fear mongering doesn't work on me anymore, thank God. No republican is getting my vote ever again.
The Republicans Are Scaring Me Again
By William Astore, February 7, 2016

I watched last night's Republican Presidential Debate from New Hampshire. And then I slept poorly. John Kasich and a subdued Ben Carson excepted, all of the candidates were determined to frighten me and mine. As they shouted and gesticulated, I wrote down some of their words and some of the thoughts and feelings they generated. It went something like this:
We're in danger! Obama's gutting our military! Muslims are shouting "death to America"! China! America is weak! We must build a HUGE WALL to keep out illegals! Abortion is murder! Take their oil! Chopping heads! Dying in the street! Waterboarding isn't torture, which doesn't matter, because we need more torture! Respect the police! People need to fear us again! We don't win -- we need to win again! Iranian and North Korean nukes! America must get back in the game and be strong! Tough! Win!
Well, you get the picture. The prize for most obscene statement of the night (among a wealth of obscene statements) was Ted Cruz's claim that America's possession of overwhelming airpower -- its ability to carpet bomb enemies into oblivion -- is a blessing. A blessing -- I'm assuming he meant from God, not the Dark One, but who knows?

My wife's impression? She said the candidates reminded her of low-blow fighters, or teenage boys in high school.

It's simple, really: If you want more bombing, more killing, more war, more torture, more police, more walls and lower taxes on corporations (yes -- that came up too), vote Republican in November.

My nightmare scenario: this is exactly the vision Marco Rubio had in mind when he repeatedly called America "the single greatest nation in the history of the world."

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