* Really. The guy was MIA from his day job even before he started running for President. I wonder what he was doing those times he failed to show up for work. There are a number of rumors out there,some apparently contadictory of each other. Perhaps his frequent absence from work is what caused people to speculate.
* I normally wouldn't give the worst f*ck I ever had (Princeton, hello!) about what a candidate does in his or her spare time with a consenting adult, but Rubio is such a smarmy, lazy, smug repetitive dolt when it comes to honor and dependability and facts, I can only hope that any reporter with any amount of free time will pursue the allegations of his infidelity. If true, there won't be a petard more delicious upon which anyone has ever been hoisted.
* Am I being cynical when I say that I don't believe for a second that Rubio gives a shit about those dead people in Benghazi? Or any other Republican for that matter?
* I can hardly wait until President Rubio gets his chance to blow off an intelligence briefing entitled "_____ determined to attack the United States".
* Especially one titled " RWNJ 's determined to strike " .
* talking points from a man who made taking a drink of water look like he was stealing something carry on gunga din
Make No Mistake: Hillary Clinton Just Caught a Big Break
Congressman Jim Clyburn's endorsement could be pivotal.
By Charles P. Pierce, February 19, 2016
It's one day before what is a crucial Republican presidential primary here in the home office of American sedition, and all anybody wanted to talk about was Hillary Rodham Clinton, whose campaign will be occupied in Nevada while the voters of South Carolina are further culling the Republican herd. It began in the morning, when Congressman Trey Gowdy, the lopheaded Clouseau of the House's endless investigation into Benghazi, Benghazi, BENGHAZI!, lead off an event for Young Marco Rubio, and Rubio led off with his now-familiar litany of how HRC is "not qualified" to be commander-in-chief. "She's not qualified because she thinks she's above the law," Rubio said. "She kept sensitive information on her private server. I think she thought she'd get elected and then pardon herself.
"And she's not qualified because, on September 11, 2012, when four Americans were killed, she told their families that it was because of a video when she knew it was a coordinated attack." At this point, I think Gowdy was ready to ascend to heaven. This is where Young Marco, deep into his John Fitzgerald Hussein Kennebama persona, puffs himself up and very nearly fills out his POTUS suit.
"Anyone who lies to the families of people who gave their lives for their country can ever be president of the United States."
Pat Tillman's family must find this amusing, as must the families of Vietnam veterans who went almost three decades before the Pentagon 'fessed up on Agent Orange, as must the grandchildren of the men that the Army marched into the Nevada desert in the aftermath of nuclear tests. If Rubio really means this, and I don't think he means it any more than he means three quarters of what he says, then the Pentagon will be in open rebellion against President Rubio within about three weeks of his inauguration. But he doesn't mean it because he is nothing but a big bag of feathers and nothing moves him except his own ambition. He seeks one job only to have a job he can ignore in pursuit of another job.
In November he drew attention for fundraising in California and missing a Foreign Relations hearing on the terror attacks in Paris on Nov. 13 that killed 130 people. Rubio did attend an Intelligence Committee briefing about the attacks the day before. In April, also while on a fundraising trip in California, he missed Foreign Relations and Intelligence Committee hearings on the Islamic State.The most recent example of this is the revelation that Rubio lobbied to be included on the Florida commission empaneled to correct the various security deficiencies that some of the 9/11 hijackers exploited while living in Florida prior to the attacks. You can guess what comes next.
Rubio did not give the job the attention that legislative leaders expected. He skipped nearly half of the meetings over the first five months of the panel's existence, more than any of his colleagues, according to Florida legislature records. He missed hours of expert testimony and was absent for more than 20 votes—prompting the state House speaker who had given him the assignment to express concern, the committee's chairman said. At times, Rubio befuddled his colleagues, both Democrats and Republicans. After apologizing for arriving late to a debate in February 2002 about a proposed system to track foreign students, Rubio argued passionately that the proposal would unfairly target law-abiding immigrants, such as those who had entered the country as refugees or to seek political asylum. But he quickly backed down in the face of opposition and, then, despite his publicly stated misgivings, went ahead and voted for the proposal.Yeah, it's HRC who isn't qualified. When we swear Young Marco in, we should get someone to offer him a chance to be King of England. He'd be out the door in a flash.
(Hell, he even no-show'ed at a conservative conclave in Greenville, which did not go over well with the assembled lycanthropes. "If the conservative convention isn't good enough for Marco Rubio, it isn't good enough for his surrogates. Cruz didn't send a surrogate in here. Carson didn't send a surrogate in here," [Mark] Levin said, before concluding, "It was pretty damn rude of Rubio, quite frankly." Marco Rubio, the George Jones of presidential candidates.)
Meanwhile, across town, at Allen University, Congressman Jim Clyburn, who heretofore had remained studiously neutral in the Democratic primary contest, called a press conference and endorsed HRC, which is a very, very big deal, because Clyburn presides over the most smoothly running political machine in the state, at least the most smoothly running political machine not affiliated with a megachurch. "I have a network," Clyburn said. "I wouldn't call it a machine." Clyburn has people who can make calls and fill the hall for your event. Clyburn has people who can make calls and get voters to the polls to vote for you. I grew up in Massachusetts. He won't call what he has a machine, so I will.
"Eight years ago," Clyburn said, "South Carolina and the nation made history with the choice of Barack Obama. It was an emotional campaign for most of us. A few days ago, I admitted that my head and my heart were in different places relative to this year's presidential primary. Today, however, my head and my heart are in the same place. A few people speculated that my head was with one candidate and my heart was with another. That was not the case at all. My heart has always been with Hillary Clinton, but my head was in a neutral corner. I have decided to terminate my neutrality and get engaged.
"This is my 24th year in Congress. I had the opportunity to work up close with both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. My experiences with both were pleasant. Despite of how it may sound sometimes, campaigns are—and should be—about the future. I think the future of South Carolina and the United States of America would be best served by the experiences of Hillary Clinton as our 45th president."
Clyburn is low-balling what happened in 2008. South Carolina was the president's breakthrough in the primary process, and it was a nasty rockfight from the first minute the campaigns engaged with each other. Campaigning for HRC, Bill Clinton kept stepping all over himself, alienating African-American voters for one of the few times in his career. When it became clear that the Obama campaign was going to win, former president Clinton compared the campaign's success to Jesse Jackson's various victories in the 1988 primaries. Clyburn remained neutral all the way through the primary that year, but he made it known that former president Clinton's remarks had displeased him. Just last week, a piece of Clyburn's upcoming memoir leaked. It described a 2 a.m. phone call from former president Clinton to Clyburn the night before the 2008 primary.
But former President Bill Clinton believed Clyburn was personally responsible for his wife's 29-point drubbing in the pivotal Palmetto State—and he let him know it in no uncertain terms. In a new memoir—"Blessed Experiences: Genuinely Southern, Proudly Black"—due out this spring, Clyburn recounts how an irate Bill Clinton called him the early morning after the January primary at 2:15 a.m. to take him to task. "If you bastards want a fight, you damn well will get one," Clinton thundered."You bastards"? Really?
"Spouses are supposed to support their spouses," Clyburn said Friday. "Bill Clinton and I have talked several times over the past eight years and I certainly had no problems. He and I sat together at Senator [Clementa] Pinckney's [the murdered pastor of Mother Emanuel] funeral last year." The existence of lightweight campaigning and historical gravitas occupying the same space in this process can be positively dizzying.
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