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Monday, March 15, 2010

Typical Fucking Sondra...

A little background..
A family members post..

Wantmystepmomback wrote on 03/14/2010 10:11:23 PM:
This is the stepdaughter.We doubt in the family it was a crime, but that is a nagging suspicion on our head. We ask for prayers and hope that Kat and Azriel will return home alive. And support for the family here at home. There are not words to describe the pain we are suffering. Please, please, please, anyone who knows anything new tell the police.

my post

sidrat38 wrote on 03/15/2010 02:41:05 AM:
Wantmy, I work at the Martin way diner..your stepmom and Azriel were in about 9 pm Saturday. They ordered a corn dog and tater tots to go, and payed for them, but while I was cooking their dinner, I watched them get up and leave. I didn't think too much about it, but they never came back. My waitress asked me what should we do with their order, and I told her to just wait..they might come back..My waitress told me that the woman seemed drunk, but the kid told my waitress. "Mommy hit her head". We wondered if she might have a concussion. We reviewed our security tapes, and she fell down outside the restaurant. She might have had a concussion..I don't know if she was a drinker or not, but she didn't order any alcohol at our place..I hope they're ok..I ended up taking that dinner home for myself, and it eats at me that I might have take azreils last meal..I'll try to contact you

Sondras post...

Mac_Wade wrote on 03/14/2010 09:12:02 PM:
“We don’t know if she was, unfortunately, a victim of a crime, or someone gave them a bus ticket and they haven’t seen the news yet,” Mealy said.
Yeah, I take the bus from Little Fishtrap all the time. GTFO!!!

WTG! "Compassionate Conservatives"!!!

In the word of Emily Littela...



sidrat38 said...

Of course, I had to reply....

sidrat38 wrote on 03/15/2010 02:45:18 AM:
Mac_Wade wrote on 03/14/2010 09:12:02 PM:
“We don’t know if she was, unfortunately, a victim of a crime, or someone gave them a bus ticket and they haven’t seen the news yet,” Mealy said.
Yeah, I take the bus from Little Fishtrap all the time. GTFO!!!
And we know you have no sympathy for others, Sondra, but you could, at least for once, show a little class...

Anonymous98507 said...

SK wouldn't know class if it bit her on the nose....

sidrat38, did you and the waitress report your info and show the security tapes to the cops?

Anonymous98507 said...

Also, SK should be reported for vulgar language. There's no excuse for that.

sidrat38 said...

Anon, there was a detective in tonight, but I didn't get a chance to talk to him..I don't know if he looked at our tapes or not..

The waitress that was on duty was off tonight, but she's a great, caring lady, and I know the news of this will hit her hard..

When she told me after the lady had taken off, and that she thought she might be drunk, my response to her was "Why didn't you tell me??" I would have gotten their license number and reported it..

We might have been able to stop this before it happened

I'm so freaked right now, have no idea...

I just hope they're still alive..

If I could have prevented the death of an 8 year old and his mom, and I didn't...I'm feeling pretty shitty right now, to tell the truth..

sidrat38 said...

My main goal in life right now is to get ahold of "WantMyStepmomBack", and tell her what I know ...

Any help from the Thurston Bloggers would be appreciated..

Anonymous98507 said...

sidrat38, contact Venice Buhain, the Olympian reporter who wrote the article, explain the situation, and ask her to pass your contact info to the stepdaughter or any other member of the family. Then if they want to talk with you, they will know how to get in touch, and you won't have violated anybody's privacy. Venice's contact info is 754-5445 and

sidrat38 said...

Thank you so much, anon...

you're going to get a BIG Christmas gift from me this year...

Anonymous98507 said...

M_W followed up with:

Mac_Wade wrote on 03/15/2010 06:50:44 AM:

sidrat38 wrote on 03/15/2010 02:45:18 AM:"And we know you have no sympathy for others, Sondra, but you could, at least for once, show a little class..."

It's plain to see that nobody took a bus anywhere. Of course I want to see this have a positive resolution. Now, I'm going to only say this one more time, so clean the wax out of your ears. I'm not who you think I am. I have invited anyone who cares to, to contact me and find that out. You know how to do that, but you refuse to so.

And that's the last time I eat at Martin Way Diner. Thanks for the tip!

M_W must be SK's equally-evil twin, then! LOL

And what does eating at the Diner or not have to do with anything?

sidrat38 said...

It's just typical Sondra, trying to make everything about "Me, Me, Me"....

I left this as my final response to the piece of trash..

sidrat38 wrote on 03/15/2010 02:40:17 PM:
bridget, I have a message in to Lt. Mealy over at TCSO..waiting for a call. As far as not being seen in the news media, it was, in a roundabout way. We were one of the "northeast Olympia businesses" where she used her credit card. The only reason I posted at all was to try to contact the family members. I have no idea what happened to Ms. Smiley or Azreil after they left, my only concern was letting the family know what I saw. When waiting for something to happen in a case like this, every little scrap of info you can get your hands on is precious...

As for Mac..I couldn't really care less who you are or where you go, but your comment was insensitive and totally off base. And believe me, you are not worth my time or effort to make a "cause" out of. As Fiona posted, "get over yourself"...'re just not that significant..

Kardnos said...

If Mac_Wade isn't SondraK, Mac_Wade is a perfect replica of SondraK's asshole's asshole.

sidrat38 said...

She's still trying to bait me...

Mac_Wade wrote on 03/15/2010 04:28:05 PM:
sidrat38 wrote on 03/15/2010 02:41:05 AM:
I ended up taking that dinner home for myself, and it eats at me that I might have take azreils last meal..

You've pronounced him dead, and I'm insensitive and off base. Yea talk about insignificant
Think I'll pretty much piss her off by not responding....

Like I said...


(Although I bet it took her a whole day of frettin' and fumin' to come up with that response...)

Meanwhile, I'll save my worrying and thoughts for Shantina and Azreil...