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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Welcome to our new author

"a real winer" has joined us. We'll look forward to seeing some new material and opinions.


Anonymous98507 said...


What cheese does the "real winer" recommend to go with his/her "wine"?

a real winer said...

Thanks for the welcome!

As for the "cheesy" question, last night it was Swiss Gruyère w/ pinot grigio. A simple, elegant pleasure after a week of wrangling teenagers. Just as life is too short to drink bad wine, it's way too short to bother w/ bad cheese.

Anonymous98507 said...

Costco has a nice pre-sliced Havarti that is very tasty paired with Costco cheese bagels, sliced and toasted. Hmmmmmm, now that I mention it, see ya later-- I'm heading to the kitchen! Might as well get a glass of Beringer White Zinfandel, too (can't drink the true reds because I'm allergic to the molds that many wine grapes carry with them to the crush).

sparkle said...


a real winer said...

Thank you, Sparkle.

BTW, 98507, today Costco was handing out samples of that havarti cheese on their Jewish rye bread. Yummy.