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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

great response from Pax

Pax1 4 comments collapsed Collapse Expand
I said "It looks as if you are trying to convince people you are honest by lying about it!"

That is the truth. It does look that way. What is wrong with telling the truth? Or offering an opinion? You want me blocked from this forum because I express an opinion you don't like? Or because I tell the truth and you object to people reading it?
You say something about "demeaning personal attacks"... but I didn't write anything that wasn't true or unsubstantiated. You might have a point if I made something up or lied about something ... like maybe if I claimed to be a "registered Republican" when it isn't true. If you wrote you were the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, would I be making a "demeaning personal attack" if I refuted your claim and demonstrated why it wasn't true? Or if you stated you were my son and I denied it and showed proof to back up my statement? Of course not... and what you are objecting to is the same thing. You made an outrageous claim and I demonstrated why it was untrue. And then you cried about it and suggested I be denied the right to express myself on this forum.
Sounds a lot like you are a fascist -- but you will probably whine and cry if I write that so maybe I'd better not. No, on second thought. I will leave it. It is true.

Fascism: "...having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism,"

Seems to fit, doesn't it?

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