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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Looks like the monitors are now also selecting LTEs for publication

Save the Quileute Indian tribe

PHILIP J. JONES; Olympia | • Published April 27, 2011

Like it or not, fellow flag-waving white people, our 400-year history of ethnic cleansing of this country's native peoples makes the Nazis look like Boy Scouts.

Return those few acres to the Quileutes.

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Anon_the_Great said...

What is with the LTE's today? All of them combined would not create a paragraph.

Spinnaker said...

Not long ago, the O printed an LTE that advocated that out elected leaders be horsewhipped. And they wonder why we can't get qualified people to run for office ...

sidrat38 said...

What's scarier are the responses..
