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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Triumph of the Swill

From The Hill:

A small but vocal group of Tea Party activists gathered outside the Capitol on Thursday to urge House Republican leaders to hold the line and push for deeper spending cuts in the federal budget.

Chanting, “Cut it or shut it” and “We want less,” the activists directed their ire at Senate Democrats, arguing that the cuts they have demanded are not “extreme,” but necessary to right the nation’s fiscal ship.

Once upon a time this nation set its sights on the moon while ending poverty at home. Now 150 hypocritical malcontent bleat for the slashing of their own throat. We want less. Indeed.


Anonymous98507 said...

So they “want less”? There's a simple way to accomplish that-- they should stop partaking of anything paid out of any government coffers! Fewer people using, fewer employees needed to provide, fewer supplies used, etc....

But NOOOO, that won't happen! They're entitled, ya know.... It's the rest of us who should make the cuts. snort

Kardnos said...

The people that showed up for the "rally" were staffers of the "TeaParty" Republican Congressional representatives.

Instead of doing the job that our tax dollars pay for them to do, they were kissing the bosses collective asses.

Spinnaker said...

If Democrats are smart, the "Cut it or shut it" video will be a staple on the 2012 campaign trail.