Wow, I had a typo... that's never happened before! It's corrected, happy now? (now I'll watch as everyone at the hate blog will bring that up)
Read more:
Consider it done.
Radec you moran, it isn't your typos that make you a frequent Hall of Shamer here, it is your jawdropping cluelessness that keeps us entertained and you memorialiazed on our humble yet much viewed blog.
radec pretends not to know who "Larry" is! ROTFLMBO!!!
Jeeze radec. When it comes to Larry's blog you sound like a Baptist preacher and dirty magazines: You read it all the time just to be sure you can tell everyone else just how bad it is.
I don't know who this person is you speak of. I only know of a local hate blog that needs to be monitored. However if this Larry person you mention is behind it then he must be a real degenerate.
in reply to sage1
Wow! We "need to be monitored"???
Sounds like a typical right winger
"Oh, we MUST support the Constitution!"
(Unless someone says something we don't like).....
('s "redac")
Actually kinda sounds like someone has their panties in a twist because our blog is doing so well, and their's.....well???
Shall we say...
And, seriously, how can anyone who knows enough about the O's posters to rip off Cedars name not know who Larry is???
redac..raise your IQ about 60 points..
..then you can at least be considered plant life....
radec - who stalks me so closely that if I stopped quickly, my ass would become radec's nose warmer.
radec - the word that you cannot post on the News Tribune's LTE blog because your comment will go into the circular file (the TNT's way of saying goodbye to a moniker)
Poor radec. It must be lonely in his Mom's ex-boyfriend's basement.
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