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Friday, April 8, 2011

The Olympian's hypocisy has reached new heights

I thought I'd post this before my comment is deleted ...

This comment was flagged for review.
Olympian newsroom
You *sigh* as if you have no control here. Of all the newspapers I read in the course of a week, the monitoring of the comments here is the worst I've seen. YOU can change that, if you choose to do so. I know, the 'hits' you get here go to your bottom line, but I'm wondering when you decide to grow a pair and try to clean up this sewer. There has to come a point where integrity means more to you than profit. Many of us are waiting to find out where that point lies.


Anonymous98507 said...

Which article were these posted to?

Anonymous98507 said...

Also, doesn't "depths" fit better than "heights"?

Spinnaker said...

The article is Estimated 10,000 gather at Capitol in largest of 4 days of budget-cut protests. I just checked, and was surprised to see that the comments are still there (along with a snarky response from Sondra).

And you're right -- depths would have been much more appropriate.

Anonymous98507 said...

If Friday night is part of the Olympian's "weekend" staffing, then "Olympian newsroom" aka "olyeditor" is probably Brian Sandford. If so, then I'm surprised at that comment because he's usually much more on an even keel.

sidrat38 said...

Spinn, that was a great comment..

**sidrat doffs hat

Kardnos said...

They don't care.

They don't have to care.