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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Comment on it here (closed thread on The Olympian)

MELISSA SOUZA; Tumwater | • Published July 13, 2011

Conservatives would have us believe they are pro-life, yet their behavior suggests just the opposite.

Conservatives say they care so deeply about the sanctity of life they would legally ban all abortions. Yet, they have no problem forsaking millions of the now born to be raised in the abyss of poverty, with all the related social maladies. This is evidenced by the billions in cuts the Republicans are now insisting upon in Medicaid, WIC and other services to the poor so they can funnel the savings to the wealthiest people and corporations in America.

The conservatives care so deeply about the sanctity of life that they have built the most extensive network of prisons in the world. And they wallow in the death penalty as a deterrent to crime while defunding social programs to educate and rehabilitate offenders so the cycle of poverty and criminal behavior can end.

Yes, conservatives are pro-life.

And let’s not forget conservatives’ quest to defund President Barack Obama’s health care plan and privatize Medicare and Social Security. Again, conservatives are pro-life, yet they have no problem in causing the deaths of 50,000-plus Americans each year through a lack of health care. And they want to privatize Medicare and Social Security so a business entity, with no moral compass, can capitalize on our old age and poor health. Yes, conservatives are so pro-life.

The real conservative agenda is to decentralize, deregulate, privatize, and defund. Is this the kind of pro-life democracy we want?


Anonymous98507 said...

That's just what we liberals/progressives/etc. have been saying all along: conservatives are pro-life only until the "miracle of birth" has occurred, and then POOF-- they're no longer interested!

Anon_the_Great said...

Seeing how the comments are increasingly dominated by Right wing filth shutting down a thread is not such a bad idea. If nothing else it has the effect of removing another platform for hate mongers.

The comments section has jumped the shark into self-parody and boring parody at that.

glenn rolls out of bed, pours a stiff shot, and calls everyone children. He disappears by noon to take his booze snooze then re-joins the fray in the afternoon largely repeating himself.

Joey bangs the Bible with his gun, the one he strokes or the one he polishes, and indulges his persecution fantasies.

NoMo blathers on about teh Mexicains and proudly displays his blood lust.

Radec and GunnerWade take turns in each other's mom's basement shot gunning brewskis and re-living their High School glory days. Farts are an endless source of amusement.

And Suze, oh dear God, please will someone do an intervention with this God Smacked moron before she hurts herself.

In a world where homophobia, extra-judicial executions and apologists for class warfare, the running joke that passes as the Olympian comments section is no longer funny.

Anonymous98507 said...

The latest I've seen from Tammy:

Tammy McGee , Moderator for
I am as consistent as I can be. Hard as I try, I don't catch all of the comments that warrant deletion. Thank you for recognizing the reason for removal of your comment.

in reply to Artillery1

Read more:

Spinnaker said...

With the thread closed, maybe Suze and Gunnar will finally have the time to consummate their lust.

Anonymous98507 said...

Hmmmmm, Spinnaker? There has been speculation that Suze and Gunnar are one and the same, so are we talking about a little "self-stimulation" here?

(Oooh, shame on me-- did I just excite Joey?)