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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

More Beck hypocrisy

.......................................... Points Out Beck's Hypocrisy On Norway Youth Camp
July 26, 2011 6:04 pm ET by Karen Famighetti

Glenn Beck's comment yesterday that the Labor Party youth camp attacked by a terrorist in Norway last Friday "sounds a little like the Hitler Youth" is perhaps a new low point, even for him. But Beck's comparing the victims of a terrorist attack that resulted in 68 deaths to the Hitler Youth isn't just egregious -- it also smacks of hypocrisy.

As points out in an article covering Beck's comment, the 9/12 Project -- which Beck founded and heavily promoted during his run on Fox News -- runs "Patriot Camps" for young children that include "Educational exercises will focus on our Constitution, the Founding Fathers, and the values and principles that are the cornerstones of our nation." The article also points out that:
[I]n August, the Danville, Kentucky, chapter is holding a "Vacation Liberty School" that organizers pledge "will help your children understand where we came from. Understand where we went wrong. Understand where the fork in the road was, and which path we should have taken."
Beck's comment was criticized by the National Jewish Democratic Council today. Once again, Beck has demonstrated that there are no limits to how low his rhetoric will sink.

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