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Friday, July 15, 2011

The Reason for ThurstonBlog

It's been awhile since I've really gotten on the editorial soapbox, but today is as good a day as any.

I'm going to start by suggesting that anyone who is not aware of why ThurstonBlog came of age, some 40,000 pageviews ago, check our archives and look at December 2009.

Frankly, nothing has really changed at The Olympian, other than a few people have moved on.  It's still management by chaos and crisis and there isn't enough common sense to see the forest for the trees.  Pre-Tammy McGee, they had Aaron Mason.  Mason, like McGee, wasn't reading the text of the forums and was only relying on "complaints".  Both make the mistake of publically getting into the fray, as opposed to quietly moderating from the background. 

Looking at December 2009, you'll see that The Olympian forums were being shut down, due to abuse of the complaint link, on a daily basis.  I opened up ThurstonBlog as a dialog option.  This morning, from 98507's blog, I see that they are back to the same place, with a slight twist.

Nothing has really changed and never will. the way....anytime The Olympian would like to respond to ThurstonBlog, all they need to do is apply for an account, just like they would require of a reader.

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