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Monday, July 4, 2011

Yeah, since you two are such GREAT patriots....

It's great to see Tumwater celebrate a parade of Americanism and patriotism.

You'll NEVER see Olympia celebrate other than a parade of diversity and perversity.

I noticed over the weekend that there is about three times the American flags in either Lacey or Tumwater, as there is in the "Capitol City", Olympia.

That tells it all, folks.

Read more:


For one, Joey, all it tells us is that you can't count.

Please post the statistics. Please give us an accurate count of the number of flags in Tumwater and Lacey versus the number of flags in Olympia ...

(I won't even comment on the ATROCIOUS grammar....from the BOTH of you...)

And Gunnar, please tell all those kids that participate in the Lakefair parade that they're "perverse"....

Secondly, you two would have been the first ones throwing rocks at the Irish as they got off the boats at Eliis Island during the potato famine...or beating up the Chinese immigrants that laid the foundations for our railroads in the 19th century...

You two make me want to vomit......

Any resemblence between either of you and a patriot is not only co-incidental...

It boggles the mind.......

Sheesh, is that ALL you two can do???



Anonymous98507 said...

More HATE from Joey:

Tells what?
in reply to Old_Reliable

(It tells us he can't count, gmark...)

and that all he can do is HATE Olympia....
in reply to gmarkf

I'm sure you were busy cooking hot dogs all day and half the night.
in reply to sidrat38

And Sid, nobody, not nobody hates like you and the Larrysees over at the hate blog.

I just point out facts. That's all it ever takes for youse guys to pull out the hate card.
in reply to Old_Reliable

sidrat38 said...

Well, I guess I can kinda take it as a compliment that old Joey is so obsessed with me that he has to post info about my job....

Sorry, Joey, but I'm STILL not going to have MALE GAY SEX with you..

..You're just not in my league.....

sidrat38 said...

And I know everyone here can appreciate the irony of Joey bringing out the "hate card" statement..

From the guy that began calling us a "hate blog"..

...Who likes to talk about how the "left likes to hate"....

No, no, Sparky, that shit ain't gonna fly here...

We all know better.....

Anonymous98507 said...

Still more:

OK, IV, Joey, Band..whatever your name is these days....

Please quote us the facts as to the number of flags flown in Olympia versus the number of flags flown in Tumwater and Lacey...

(That is, if you're not too busy stalking me.....)

Now THERE'S a FACT for you......

(Nice "Christianity", BTW....posting my job info..)

in reply to Old_Reliable

You posted it yourself, many times. And more precise. Try again. You're overflowing with hate.
in reply to sidrat38

For a guy with so many obsessive stalkers and a blog practically devoted to hating you I must hand it to you....your attitude and joie de vive is a refreshing contrast to their hate.
in reply to Old_Reliable

So sad that unhappy conservatives turned this story into the usual far right whine about social issues. Thousands of men, women and children had a great time in the sunshine and yet Old Reliable rambled on with sexual double entendres. Is this man so full of hate he cannot be part of the joy of celebrating our nation's declaration of Independence?

Kardnos said...

When we talk about Michele Bachmann is that Joey?