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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Decisions, decisions, decisions

So God creates gay people huh?  Does he create serial killers too?  We are not robots, we make our own decisions and have our own free will to make either good or bad choices.  Sorry your analogy makes no sense.
Read more:

So, tell us Spinnacher, when did you make the decision to become heterosexual?  Since it was a decision, that would mean you were something other than heterosexual prior to your decision.


sidrat38 said...

I also see someone is playing fast and loose with the "report abuse" button....Fortunately, I read most of the comments before they were taken down, and the were pretty innocuous..

Including Maxim's..

I'll repeat what I've heard around, and I thought apt:
"How many gay people does God have to make before people figure out He may want them around?"

The one he-who-is-not-bright-enough-to-think-up-his-own-moniker is referring to...

Spinnaker said...

So "Spinnacher" (a/k/a Suze) is back. *sigh* I wish she'd be more original. Or at least, if she's going to pretend to be like me, a little less mean-spirited.

Kardnos said...

Sidrat - I noticed the same. I guess The Olympian will never solve their problems. The "fast and loose with the report abuse" issue was what started ThurstonBlog in December of 2010.

sidrat38 said...

Very true, Kard...