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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

"A secular society provides the most freedom for the most people ..."


-- found some good comments posted to a pro-religion, anti-gay, LTE Rules and regulations serve a purpose:

*  Dryad
All one can hope for is a peaceful coexistance and to underestand the other's point of view.  Accept the fact they are there and not going anywhere.   I don't think you are going to convince someone to change their belief system by throwing out bits and pieces of their theology to support your beliefs.  
People's value systems run deep be it sexual, religious, or otherwise.  Accept the fact we are different and the not everyone is going to accept you.   Additionally, people always make judgements based on their values.  Rather than dwell on trying to make everyone accept your values, spend your energy on people that do accept your values.

*  Maxim
I'll repeat what I've heard around, and I thought apt:
"How many gay people does God have to make before people figure out He may want them around?"
*  fishparts
This letter is the perfect justification of why we'd all be better off in a completely secular society.  Embrace logic and science instead of quotes from an old book.

*  Wooly_Bugger
It's odd that some Christians express an irrational fear that the US will embrace Sharia law when the Christian version of that action is their fondest desire. A secular society provides the most freedom for the most people, a good thing in my book.

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