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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Another satisfied customer

Ithappened2me2 says:
..... After looking at your little blog that you run, I would find it hard to believe that you were 60 years old. Why don't you spend your time on your own blog instead of infesting this site with your tripe?

Read more:

Amazing how they keep reading that which bothers them so......

As I've shared before - this is like the spinster calling the police to report an obscene phone call....

"He went on and on for 20 minutes saying the most filthy things you can imagine"

1 comment:

sidrat38 said...

Kinda reminds me of one of my waitresses just the other day...

I handed her a hot cup of cheese sauce, along with a pot holder and warned her.."Hey, now this is going to be hot!"

..She promptly grabbed it bare handed...

(I wonder if you tell some people that sticking a knitting needle in your eye will hurt, that they'll try to test that theory??)