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Monday, October 11, 2010

Commentary on SNL spoof of O'Donnell's "not a witch" campaign ad

O’Donnell: ‘SNL’ Spoof of Campaign Ad ‘Really Funny’

While this article by itself is funny enough, the real meat is in the following comments:

You'll never know Oct 10th, 2010 | 1:14 pm
They say that she dabbles, now who could that be?
Christine O’Donnell said what on TV?
She dabbled in witchcraft with food on an alter,
Then headed for Buddha, “no meat” made her falter.
The orange Hare Krishna sounded good at the malls,
“Oh no, that won’t work cause she loves her meatballs”.
She moved on to science as she quickly changed lanes,
And discovered cloned mice with “real human brains”.
A debate in “O6” had her privy to info,
“China’s taking America” kept her credo in tempo.
Coed dorms foster orgies “can’t have that, don’tcha know”
Did I mention her Daddy was a stand in Bozo?
So now there’s the Senate her ultimate goal
She’s the new pet of Sarah that might take a toll.
A new “grizzly mama” is now in the making
With nary a brain and a penchant for faking.
One more word of warning I give to this nation,
Her first legislation, “NO MORE MASTURBATION”!
Tee Oct 10th, 2010 | 4:51 pm
“You’ll never know”, thanks for the witty and creative post. A thousand steps up from the average Comcast blog post. I don’t blame Republicans for wanting to try something different than what they’ve had in Washington, but Christine O’Donnell is the cherry on top of the ridiculous tea cake. If we hadn’t lived through Sarah Palin, you could have just put her or O’Donnell’s comments and commercials in an SNL sketch or a film and they would’ve been seen as crossing the line from brilliant satire into absurdity. Honestly, women’s groups would have been up in arms at the way female candidates were being portrayed if those two were fictional characters, and they would be justified in their reaction. From Sharron Engle to the chicken lady to the wrestling doyenne to the Arizona governor who freezes up over false visions of headless bodies, to Palin and O’Donnell and beyond, the only thing worse for the legacy of women in politics would be for any of these cartoons to get into national office. There have been women in politics I haven’t agreed with, but at least I could acknowledge their sanity, their seriousness, their adequacy to handle such a job.
It’s an interesting path to fame and fortune, don’t you think? Get a major party nomination in a national race, be the biggest idiot out there, get lampooned not only by the serious media but by satirical pop culture, and suddenly you’re a household name who can make a few hundred grand if not millions writing books, giving paid speeches, traveling the country and appearing on more TV than even a media wh0re like O’Donnell has done in her whole life. Paris Hilton and Jessica Simpson, make way for the new brand of air-headed, undeserving media bimbo: the Republican/Tea Party candidate.
schweet Oct 11th, 2010 | 12:57 am
Well, if we can have a Wizard in the Whitehouse why not a Witch? Oh wait… we just might… never mind.
I don’t care who she is as long as she votes against the Obama agenda and that is the quick ruination of a country for years to come.
“Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain” I am the all powerful “OB”
Get some education about what is going on you lib nuts.
@schweet Oct 11th, 2010 | 2:05 am
You say you don’t care who she is as long as she votes against Obama’s policies. That implies you hope she wins. And you have the nerve to call others nuts?!!! Anyone who would support brain-dead irresponsible liars like her, Angle, Miller, Palin & Vince’s Mrs. for public office definitely have a few screws loose!
Sad thing is THIS is the BEST the Republican Party can come up with now that they have purged themselves of any respectable moderate candidates who are sensible, rational and willing to negotiate with anybody from the other side of the aisle. If people like this win, America loses because there will be even more gridlock than ever before and absolutely nothing will get done in Washington.
But then, I guess if they do happen to get elected, a stalemate might be the best thing for our nation right now. Because if these kooks have their way, they would privatize social security, eliminate the Dept. of Education, give more tax cuts to the wealthy that aren’t paid for, do everything to put the insurance companies back in the drivers’ seat, make sure to deregulate Wall Street even further, offer more corporate welfare to big business and make sure women have to carry their rapist’s babies to term. Then Heaven help us all!
Lance Oct 11th, 2010 | 2:40 am
@@schweet – I’m totally with you. I am a lifelong Republican and while I may be against most of the things Obama is proposing I am also against most of the extreme views the far right is advocating. I think that most of the people in America are like me – somewhere in the middle and sick of it. I want my party back. Candidates like O’Donnell, DeMint, Sharon Angle and Rand Paul are just plain scary. They are so out there they would call Barry Goldwater a liberal. What happened to the good Republicans like Eisenhower and Gerald Ford, not these bunch of loonies?

1 comment:

a real winer said...

When Bush the younger was elected to a 2nd term, it was disheartening to see that many people ready to sign on for 4 more years of that, and frightening to think of what it might mean.

At that time I figured we might deserve what we were going to get, but now, I'm getting tired of seeing this country going downhill in so many ways. Too many lazy low information voters who have no idea how fortunate they are to be voting Americans let alone what responsibilities go along w/ the right to vote.

And, I'm getting tired of being pulled down by these self-absorbed, shortsighted simpletons who are so easily manipulated by Rovian marketing techniques.