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Friday, October 15, 2010

Kudos to The News Tribune

As I've mentioned, I've been enjoying commenting on The News Tribune.  Not only is there a wider variety of subject matter, the moderation is excellent.

I was having some auto-moderation problems with the website and DISQUS so I called and immediately got assistance.  I had done nothing wrong.  There was a glitch in the system.  The moderator did advise me that "certain words" will trip the moderation, but that I hadn't used any such words (not to my surprise, although I do recall quoting The Bible in The Olympian and having the auto-mod go nuts over the word "ass"....or could that have been the bias-moderator?)  I digress. comes connection problems.  I left a message for the previous moderator and in her absense, BINGO I have a return call from another helpful employee.

No bitching, no attitude, just customer service because they KNOW I'm the customer.

My hat is off to their staff for professionalism and excellence.


Anonymous98507 said...

I sure hope that the Trib's association with the Zero doesn't dilute that "professionalism and excellence."

Kardnos said...

They refer to The Olympian as "a partner".