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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

They just can't get over me....

tetra, I couldn't agree more. If there is any example of hate and vile talk towards those you disagree with, it is that laughable website you mentioned. I can only imagine what things will be said after the election when the real leaders take control of the House and possibly the Senate.
Read more:

"radec" has been stalking me on The News Tribune - using more than one moniker (now who would THAT be????)

Tetra lives on ThurstonBlog.

I haven't posted on The Olympian for weeks........or have I?    Muaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Anonymous98507 said...

Unlike these two miserable specimens of the hateful, vile type of commenters, we'll be gracious after the election, never mind the outcome.

sidrat38 said...

you mean the 1 miserable speciman, Anon

Kardnos said...

Sidrat - as best I can figure, not counting the new one on The News Tribune, the she-beast packs about 6 to 10 monikers at all times.

I hardly read The Olympian anymore and can pick her out of the crowd in about 15 seconds when I do check for local crap.

BTW - most of the Thurston County news is now being carried by the Trib.

Get ready........

Kardnos said...

As to the outcome of the election, no one is going to come close to having a mandate. It's going to be the proverbial clusterfuck for the next two years.

The biggest question will be if the GOP has the House, will they spend tax dollars and time chasing the "impeachment" rainbow. If they do, it will be two years and out.

Obama is liked, despite his job disapproval. When they went after Clinton, his approval ratings skyrocketed.