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Saturday, June 18, 2011

From a friend of mine on another blog...

Jun 18, 2011 12:07 AM
I just cannot add anything to this actual news report:

...the defendant was convicted of drunk driving in May 2010, and the incident occurred on the night of his 21st birthday party. Defendant was driving on the Washtington beltway.

The details of the charges:

Paragraph 10. "At the time of the collision, Defendant was going 85 miles per hour."

Paragraph 12. "At the time of the collision, Defendant was having sex with a female."

Paragraph13. "At the time of the collision, Defendant was driving admittedly drunk."

Paragraph 14. "At the time of the accident, Defendant was partially or totally in the backseat of the car."

1 comment:

Anonymous98507 said...

Is Defendant a contortionist?