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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

More garbage from glenn

What a brainwashed slug! You are one of an army of adroids programmed to attack anything that questions or threatens your neat and patented left-wing ideology.
Try something new - like thinking for yourself - I know it is scarey - but it's quite refreshing.

in reply to OtisCampbell

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Let's turn this around just for glenn's benefit:

What a brainwashed toad! glenn, you are one of an army of robots programmed to attack anything that questions or threatens your neat and patented right-wing ideology.
Try something new - like thinking for yourself - I know it is scary - but it can be quite refreshing.


LostOnAnIsland said...

Some time ago I said that glenn was humorous and seemed
kind of alright.

I hang my head in shame.

Anonymous98507 said...

Don't judge yourself too harshly.... there's no good way of judging those who have fallen/are falling into the bottle.

Anonymous98507 said...

Guess what? LOLOL

Hey, glenn, you're famous over at the "other place"

They always say nice thing over there, you can depend on it.

in reply to glenn

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Kardnos said...

I recall hearing many stories of men that retired from their careers and took up a new career with alcohol.

Anonymous98507 said...

Hey, Lost.... after re-reading my comment, I realized that what I wrote could be taken two ways! I'm sorry-- the second half refers to glenn! He's the one it appears to have taken up serious drinking...

LostOnAnIsland said...

No offense taken.

Kardnos said...

I was told long ago that a person without a drinking problem doesn't constantly talk about alcohol.... romancing the "fine scotch or wines" etc....

People without drinking problems don't think about alcohol because....well....they are not obsessed with it.