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Monday, October 18, 2010

Now let's see......

Today in ThurstonBlog statistics, a url from The Olympian was the number one trafficker to ThurstonBlog.

Probably due to this:

I guess we would be starting with you. Don't believe me! We can just go to Thurstonblog and take a look at all of the hate you preach!


sidrat38 said...

I KNEW you were going to use my "J. Edgar Hoover ballgown" line someday, Larry

Anonymous98507 said...

If the Zero is absorbed into the Trib, I don't see they could conceivably transfer Tammy to the Trib's staff. They have far better employees who perform her same duties and do so with much better rapport with the customers.

Kardnos said...


Kardnos said... creates such a visual.

Especially if it is tucked into a diaper in the back.

Kardnos said...

98507 - All of my discourse with TNT employees is reasonable and helpful.

Tammy is just "small town". She is pulling the same thing that Aaron Mason did wrong - getting involved in the politics.