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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

From The Blog Publisher

As a community service, I will be providing both of these posts to the Olympia Police and the Thurston County Sheriff.  It appears that other media chooses to just wag a finger at this kind of stuff - avoiding possible liability issues - but I'm not an out of state corporation that is just here for the money.

JoeVoter 31 minutes ago

They need someone willing to take on the ever escalating violence originating at Evergreen before some law abiding citizen is threatened to the point of having to legally use deadly force in self defense
Read more:
theoutlawjoseywhales 25 minutes ago
"Activists" gatherings are not peaceful gatherings, they are premeditated anarchist attacks on society. I, personally, keep a record of names and photos, because I know it to be prudent to do so. These "activists" are my sworn enemies. They are why I carry a d e a d l y weapon at all times, it's called Personal Self Defense, and the ones who cry the loudest about it are already on the list. To heII with them.

There is no doubt in my mind that both of these comments come from the same source and the first comment was made several times in the past by "Joe Voter".  I called the Olympia police in the past when Joe Voter made the above threat and they said it was "The Olympian's problem".  That was before the Tucson slaughter.

This is our community and we don't need people like this.  Regardless of if it's just words or the possible action of a mentally ill person, it has to stop somewhere and here and now is the time. 

I encourage everyone to copy and paste this blog on an email and send it to both law enforcement agencies.  Since we have new leadership at both agencies, maybe someone will step up and demand that people with information that can disclose this person, provide said information and possibly save lives.

A recent Olympian editorial spoke of the right of media to get information about the amount of county money spent defending court cases.  I think it's time that McClatchy set an example and work with the law enforcement agencies to ward off another possible Tucson event.  Disqus software can track an IP, so there are no excuses for not participating in ridding our community of a possible disaster.


Anonymous98507 said...

How about this one in the same thread?

Papawheelie 54 minutes ago
What I think is hilarious hipocracy is that the protesters are all in a panic because their identity was revealed in the report, demanded it be redacted. and they are trying to prosecuteTowery because his identity was revealed.

Bad news kids...the info already hit the web, they know who you are...they know when your alone

sidrat38 said...

And yet, these are the same people that had their panties in a twist over the fact that gays might get their names off the R71 petition....


sidrat38 said...

And yet we ahve Joe saying...

JoeVoter 31 minutes ago

They need someone willing to take on the ever escalating violence originating at Evergreen before some law abiding citizen is threatened to the point of having to legally use deadly force in self defense Read more:

sidrat38 said...

So, the 2nd amendment is sancrosanct (sp)..whereas the first amendment is open to debate, when it violates the right wings concept of reality???

Someone explain this to me, please....

Anon_the_Great said...

Thanks for this post. The most valuable aspect of Thurston Blog is to document the crazy and dangerous rhetoric and death threats of Thurston County's dangerous morans.

I sure hope law enforcement reads Power is Knowledge.