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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Thou shalt not bear false witness

I'm the same old me, actually.

One identity at a time.

Wouldn't it be nice if everyone here was one at a time?

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Anonymous98507 said...

WHO is obsessed? Joe sure obsessively monitors what is posted here!!

JoeVoter 17 minutes ago in reply to JoeVoter
That was pretty quick, Larry.

Why are you so obsessed with me and what I have to say?

Kardnos said...

Yeah....I just logged on a little while ago and took one look at the thread in The Olympian and read about two pages of comments.

I noticed Joey's false witness and his comment that was deleted. (it appears that the moderator isn't happy with Joey ::::makes note:::)

I must be obsessed with Red Foreman also.

Kardnos said...

Joey, if you are going to spend all your free time adding to our page view counts, while I negotiate revenue with Google for their advertising use of ThurstonBlog, at least pay attention:

(From ThurstonBlog)

"Joey, tell me....seriously, how can we not parody your constant threat to take matters into your own hands whenever an Evergreen student farts sideways? How can we avoid making fun of your constant religious performances while fantasizing the jail rape of TJ Johnson? How can we not find humor in what is obviously a very off balance individual who stalks people on the internet and then cries about them being "mean"? You are a comedian's delight!

ThurstonBlog loves a good laugh and you make it so easy...... Actually, I've got a few more up my sleeve." short, it's not an obsession. You are water in a bottomless well of material for parody and ridicule.

Kardnos said...


I read futher into the Olympian comments and now realize that Joey thinks I'm this "Intertubes" character.

At 2:30 yesterday, when Joey addressed "intertubes" on the comments as "Larry"....old Larry was in Silverdale watchin the Seahawks hand the Saints their lunch. Mrs Larry and I arrived home at about 1:30 today, in time to watch the afternoon game with my son and his wife.

Joey is really off his rocker about me....maybe I should call the police about an anonymous stalker.......LOL

Kardnos said...

WOW....Joey's paranoia was running overtime yesterday...

JoeVoter Yesterday 05:26 PM in reply to JoeFreedumb

Hi, Larry & Co.

Are you enjoying your parody monikers, making hay in this time of tragedy?
You should be ashamed of yourselves.

Read more:

At that particular time, I was laying in bed in my hotel room watching the news about the shooting.

I wonder who else I was in Joey's mind?

Kardnos said...

JoeVoter 8 minutes ago
Those who tell the truth sure do get banned a lot around here.

Now, THAT'S Journalism.

Read more:

Who in hell is he claiming to be a journalist?

Last I knew, I was "banned". I really haven't given enough of a crap to worry about it. I do my blogging here and on the TNT - which Joey knows because he stalks me there. I guess I'm telling the truth......or am I?????

Now I'm confused.

Anonymous98507 said...

Now we have radec chiming in:

radec 1 minute ago
Notice how the left-wing extremists stir things up on purpose just so they have something to talk about over on their hate blog. How sad is it that all they do is copy our comments and paste them over there and then make snide remarks like little cowards hiding in the corner? Kind of reminds me of a bunch of 5 year olds hiding out in their tree house with just their "gang". LOL pathetic!

Little does radec know just how much entertainment he provides for us!

Kardnos said...

Well, remembering the origins of ThurstonBlog - the constant shut down of the LTE comments in The O - We control ThurstonBlog and no amount of "reporting" our comments and observations will do a damned thing for radec....I mean Joey.

After 666 "comments about the shooting" (poop thowing back and forth), all that is left for ThurstonBlog is to analyze the fecal matter left behind.

Call us a laboratory, if you wish.