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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Hey Hater

Once again should you like to talk to me in the real world here is how:

Laurian Weisser
By phone: 360 753 9771
By snail mail: 611 capitol Way S. #512 Olympia WA 98501

I am ashamed of nothing nor do I fear anyone. If you would like to be real, get a hold of me and we can hash over the shit. It is time you and I stop throwing insults at each other. Are you ready t do that?

Funny thing is I have posted my contact info several time on many forums before an yet to have hear from any of the Right wing. Does the meat world scare you?


Kardnos said...

Anon - people like the one you are addressing don't know how to deal with differences in a direct manner.

Kardnos said...

Anon - you might not have been around on this particular day, but I was going to the Tacoma Mall and offered to buy "Chuck from Tacoma" (who has since disappeared) a cup of coffee.

Immediately SondraK pipes up telling "Chuck" that he'd better be careful......LOL

Strangely, SondraK, who as we know isn't really named SondraK, has never met me.