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Monday, May 2, 2011

The logical next step


Kardnos said...

Just like the story a woman was telling about a coworker bragging about her trip to Hawaii saying "the best part is that their money is just like ours"

LostOnAnIsland said...

The strainer helmet puts that one over the top. LOL
Good stuff.

Anonymous98507 said...

The eyes do it for me, Lost! :-)

sidrat38 said...

Oh, it's already started. We already have the "deathers" starting to emerge who believe the whole Bin Laden death was a hoax because they buried him at sea.

Spinnaker said...

There was actually a survey done (I think it was in North Carolina) where the question of Hawaii's statehood was asked. Something like 40+ percent of respondents who believed that Obama was not born in the US were also of the belief that Hawaii was not a state.

Spinnaker said...

And if you read The Onion, you know that they've already printed a story about Afterbirthers demanding to see the President's placenta.