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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Smells Necrotic

Olympian newsroom 1 comment

I'm going to give you a really honest answer, pdasroo. The answer is pretty much no, we don't have time to proofread. That's what happens when seven people are left doing the job that 49 did four years ago (seriously). I'll admit that comments like these hurt; it feels like being kicked when we're down. I understand that it's eternally fashionable to criticize the local paper as an institution -- I've worked for the Reeking Urinal, the Slimes, the Daily Zero and other papers with easily mocked names -- because institutions can be seen as having damaging agendas and no faces. But the few people left here are real, and we are trying as hard as we can.


Kardnos said...

I've been The Olympian's biggest critic and their biggest defender in many cases. Because of this, Tammy McGee assures the readers that my comments will not remain on their forum.

I find it difficult to have much sympathy for a group of "news writers" who shit in the hand that feeds them.

Kardnos said...

Astuteone 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
I read something like this and then I read about state workers complaining about 10 days off without pay. I am sure those who lost their jobs would have been willing to take a few days of furlough in order to continue working."

To the not so astute one....

State employees don't create their own destiny, as a private business does. What you are seeing is the free market at work.

State employees can't raise taxes to fund themselves, but The Olympian controlled (controls) its success in selling advertising. It's just that they did a very bad job of it and their product is not serving the market.

Kardnos said...

I'll add to my last comment that in 2006 the Classified Advertising Manager at the Daily Olympian had a total of about 4 years experience in newspapers. Considering that the media who controls the classified controls the market, having such an inexperienced person in charge makes no sense. At that time, The Olympia Auto Mall was direct mailing their print media in lieu of using the daily newspaper. How do you do that to yourself?

Anonymous98507 said...

Just catching up with the comments on this article.... How about this one?

OK, Olympian newsroom, I'll give you that, BUT when we point out such a damaging error as this one (... Johnson was arrested ... ), can't you fix it?? In the Internet age, that misstatement could follow Johnson, the innocent man in this situation, all the rest of his life! You need to fix it and issue an apology to Mr. Johnson.

in reply to Olympian newsroom

Spinnaker said...

I predict that, come Monday morning, at least one more "news writer" will be out of a job.

Anonymous98507 said...

Spinnaker, particularly after he posted these comments:

Olympian newsroom
I've been to Jack in the Box exactly one time in my life. I didn't like the food, and rather than go back every day and complain about how terrible it is, I chose to never return. I'd like to cordially invite you to stop visiting our website and exposing yourself to our sloppy work.

in reply to gottacomment

Olympian newsroom
I stand by my comment. Don't like what's on the site? Don't come here.

in reply to gottacomment

Anonymous98507 said...


I'm sure that the advertisers will appreciate that attitude..... NOT! And your boss probably doesn't either.

in reply to Olympian newsroom

Kardnos said...

WOW!!! When I worked in the newspaper business a criticism was the sign that people were reading the paper, thus adversiting is being read also.

I would submit that the problem with The Olympian IS lack of readership. To encourage more lack of readership is like taking the gun and sticking it in your mouth. The only thing left to do is pull the trigger.

Again, I'll put myself up front. For whatever reason Tammy McGee created in her mind that I was the problem with the comments forum, it was rectal/cranial insertion. Her action is what has made ThurstonBlog successful.

I notice that in the past month or so, The O has taken to posting the previous day's hit count on their front page. I wonder how that is working for their advertising sales effort.

Anonymous98507 said...

Larry, are you following that thread? Here's the latest:

Olympian newsroom
I'd like to point out that we did make the change.
in reply to OlyKay

But not until many, many hours after the error was made. How many "spiders" crawled the site in the meantime and made their copies?
in reply to Olympian newsroom

Olympian newsroom
Working your tail off only to read daily about what an unskilled, biased, agenda-driven, sloppy, careless piece of garbage you are tends to have a corrosive effect on one's attitude.
in reply to Anonymii

Yes, but taking the high road is more satisfactory and shows your boss that you can handle the criticism and use it to improve your skills and attitude.
in reply to Olympian newsroom

Olympian newsroom
We differ. I feel no need to try to win any argument with you.
in reply to Anonymii

Olympian newsroom
You're right. I'm an awful person. I should just kill myself.
in reply to Anonymii

So now "Olympian newsroom" is having his/her very own pity party!

I'll wager that McClatchy doesn't provide any counseling for the people they get rid of. I was RIFed from my last job, and at least the company provided some personal and job counseling. It's obvious that this person would benefit from some serious counseling!

Anonymous98507 said...

"Stupid is as stupid does" has weighed in now:

I think everyone is being a little hard on the small mistake made earlier by the Olympian. I believe overall they are doing a good job, after all they stopped the front part of Curly and Moe from posting here!

Spinnaker said...

I almost feel sorry for the guy. If I were his boss, the first thing I'd ask him is, "You didn't have time to proofread the story, but you had time to post a half dozen comments on an article, inviting our readers to go somewhere else?"

This guy is toast.

Anonymous98507 said...

Yeah, I thought of that, too, Spinnaker, but I didn't think I should pile on by mentioning it to him. LOL

a real winer said...

spinnaker, that was my thought, too. Seems like whoever it was writing as "olympian newsroom" is not much older than the high school age kids I work with on a daily basis.

So you made a mistake, and somebody else caught it. Fix it and move on.

Kardnos said...

radec - who follows me from site to site - is now celebrating that I don't post on one of the sites where I was followed?

Correct - stupid is as stupid does