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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Spinn,(once again) makes my day..

I was online when the whole "beer garden" thing first got posted..

Of course, I tried to avoid it, because I knew how the whole comment section would go, and I'd probably end up just getting pissed off..But I had to read..(kinda like the reason I watch NASCAR..basically for the wrecks..I'll admit it)

Then I read this gem from Spinn..

Live_Wire 2
I really want to meet this 'Sondrak" that you people hate so much. She seems real nice.

Yesterday 05:24 PM

I'm sure you two would be a perfect couple. We'll leave it to you two to sort out your gender roles.

Read more:

Thanks, Spinn


Anonymous98507 said...

I got a big laugh out of this comment by spinn:

Some people just feel the need to carry their manhood in a holster. Even when it would fit in a roll of dimes.

sidrat38 said...

Spinn,I doff my chapeau to you...


Kardnos said...


Spinnaker said...

Thank you, thank you, one and all. Putting these assholes in their place is a labor of love.

sidrat38 said...

And you do it with such subtlety and humor...

Again, my hat is off to you..