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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Newt's back

Newt's back!
By Bob Englehart | May 12th, 2011

Great to have ol’ Newty back. I saw him on Hannity the other night. Yes, I occasionally watch Faux Cable News. I’ll watch it until my B.S. detector goes off, so most of the time I’m not there for long, but I wanted to see how that so-called “news” channel presented the latest Republican candidate.

I also wanted to hear what ol’ Newty’s angle is going to be this time, and he always has an angle, obtuse as it may be. See, Newt is a demagogue in the classic definition. Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary Eleventh Edition says a demagogue is “a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power.”

He used fear of terrorism and ageism the other night and this is only the beginning. And talk about “elites.” There is no one more elite than ol’ Newty. The problem with this guy is, you can’t trust him. Just ask his two ex-wives.

He’s a classic hypocrite Republican, best demonstrated when he was going after Bill Clinton for cheating on Hillary and lying under oath, ol” Newty was having his own affair. He famously asked his wife for a divorce when she was in the hospital recovering from surgery. Here’s a handy website that lists all the reasons Newt is not fit to polish Obama’s shoes, let alone be President.
Newt Gingrich's Skeleton Closet


Kardnos said...

Newt was peddling his bullshit on the "lame stream" media this weekend, thus you could have avoiding Faux News.

It's funny how Newt and Palin, et al, complain about the mainstream media until they have a book to huck or a campaign to publicize.

Spinnaker said...

I love the recent observations that his (third) wife is "always by his side." More likely, she knows better than to let him out of her sight.

Anonymous98507 said...

Nothing like personal experience to guide one's actions. ROTFL!

Anon_the_Great said...

Newt was for all his positions before he was against them.