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Monday, February 22, 2010

In loco parentis strikes again

Pediatricians call for a choke-proof hot dog

... the academy would like to see foods such as hot dogs "redesigned" so their size, shape and texture make them less likely to lodge in a youngster's throat. ... Riley questions whether warning labels are needed. She notes that more than half of hot dogs sold in stores already have choking-prevention tips on their packages, advising parents to cut them into small pieces. "As a mother who has fed toddlers cylindrical foods like grapes, bananas, hot dogs and carrots, I 'redesigned' them in my kitchen by cutting them with a paring knife until my children were old enough to manage on their own," Riley says.

Are we to assume that all parents are thought to be too dumb to think of doing their own "redesigning" of hot dogs? Sheesh, we might as well just nuke the human race out of existence!


LostOnAnIsland said...

It's just a tribute to our species that humans managed to continue this long with all the wiener chokings.

sparkle said...

Hasn't anybody heard of a KNIFE, a primitive tool used for centuries by our ancestors! Did they re'design a drumstick when they choked on the bone!

sidrat38 said...

"wiener chokings"??

Sounds like IV's house on a saturday night...

(Sorry..I couldn't resist..)
