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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Leonard Pitts nails it!

The fools on the LTE comments will have the ass about Pitts again, but I believe he has stated the situation extremely well.

Do the country a favor, Sarah, and run for president

... I believe a Palin candidacy would force upon this country a desperately needed moment of truth. It would require us to finally decide what kind of America we want to be. Mrs. Palin, you are an avatar of the shameless hypocrisy and cognitive disconnection that have driven our politics for the last decade, a process of stupidification creeping like kudzu over our national life. ...

... something is wrong when we celebrate mental mediocrity like yours under the misapprehension that competence or, God forbid, “intelligence,” makes a person one of those “elites” – that’s a curse word now – lacking authenticity, compassion and common sense.

So no, this is not a clash of ideologies, but a clash between intelligence and its opposite. And I am tired of being asked to pretend stupid is a virtue. That’s why I’d welcome the moment of truth your campaign would bring.

It would force us to decide once and for all whether we are permanently committed to the path of ignorance, of birthers, truthers and tea party incoherence you represent, or whether we will at last turn back from the cliff toward which we race. ...


Kardnos said...

I've always said I would donate to Palin's candidacy

Anonymous98507 said...

’Family Guy’ Knocks Sarah Palin’s Mentally Disabled Son "... the latest jab at the former governor of Alaska, courtesy of Fox’s ‘Family Guy,’ might have gone too far. ... What’s most interesting about the ‘Family Guy’ bit is that the show airs on Fox, a network Palin recently joined as a Fox News ‘contributor.’ ..."

sidrat38 said...

Sure enough, the Righties can't debate with Pitts..they just attack him..

Howdy wrote on 02/16/2010 03:30:53 AM:
Pitts is what Buggs Bunny used to refer to as an ultra maroon. Some of his columns have been so overtly racist, it's a wonder he is still in print. He won a Pulitzer. But hey, Leonard, before I forget, I think your a racist left wing ding from "Everybody owes me something land." I equate your scribble to vomit. Can you hear me now Leonard?

rightwingnutjob wrote on 02/16/2010 00:49:52 AM:
Really Daily O ... who picks this clown's columns to print???

Funny..also 6 comments are listed, but only 3 appear..

The other 3 must have already been deleted..

sidrat38 said...

BTW, Howdy...

Pulitzer Prize winners usually know the difference between "your" and "you're"..

(Don't expect yours anytime soon)

Anonymous98507 said...

"Howdy the Sock" is working towards a medal for number of times being banned by the Olympian!

LostOnAnIsland said...

As much of a joke Sarah Palin would seem as a presidential candidate we can't forget that Bush managed to get reelected and that was scary enough. I'm convinced that Sarah Palin's first move as president would be to rip back the fleshy veneer we think is her face and expose herself as one of the riders of the apocalypse. Blood would begin to rain from the sky. Tectonic plates would shift with fire shooting out of the ground. Todd would turn into the Stay Puffed Marshmallow Man and destroys all of Washington DC. SondraK will at last be free to let her tail out of bondage from her leg, let her hair down to expose her horns, kick off her shoes to let her cloven hooves get some fresh air and resume eating the flesh of children. Ironically all of mankind finally would bond over it's last one defining link that is it's doom.

Of course I could be totally wrong about this.

sidrat38 said...

LMAO! Lost..

good one!

Kardnos said...


sidrat38 said...

Don't hand out that award too quick, Larry..

There's still 11 days left in this month, and plenty of socks to feed off of...

I haven't ruled out owning the podium quite yet..


xyzzy said...

sidrat38 - love that apocalyptic description. I don't think she could win, assume she'd hand victory to Obama, but after that description, not sure I'd want to chance it. Specially SondraK roaming free.