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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christine O'Donnell topped herself

"Today marks a lot of tragedy... Tragedy comes in threes. Pearl Harbor, Elizabeth Edwards' passing and Barack Obama's announcement of extending the tax cuts, which is good, but also extending the unemployment benefits." 
-- Christine O'Donnell
Christine O'Donnell Is Right About Pearl Harbor
Christine O'Donnell, tragedy, and the rule of three
Christine O'Donnell Calls Extending Unemployment Benefits a "Tragedy"
O’Donnell compares tax deal to Pearl Harbor, Edwards’s death


Kardnos said...

The New Improved Sarah Palin of our Times

Kardnos said...

I can see that the new tactic of the Right Wing is to find ridiculously stupid people to say stupid things that stupid people will believe because they are too stupid to do otherwise.