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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Two Elves Go To A Brothel

Two elves go into a brothel and each get a prostitute in rooms next to each other. The first elf is having great difficulty getting his equipment to cooperate and to top it off he can hear the other elf next door saying "ya ready, here I cum. 1!...2!...3!...4!...and WHOOOHHAAA!!!."

The prostitute with the first elf tries consoling him with things like"don't you worry it happens to every guy at one time or another and you can come back here to see me whenever you like."

Again the second elf yells "ya ready, here I cum. 1!...2!...3!...4!...and WHOOOHHAAA!!!."
The first elf just wants to die as he sits for the next ten minutes listening to the second elf ever couple minutes yelling "ya ready, here I cum. 1!...2!...3!...4!...and WHOOOHHAAA!!!."

Finally they both emerge from the rooms and head home. While walking down the street the first elf says "that was horrible I couldn't get hard."

The second elf replies "you think you had it bad? I couldn't even make it onto the bed!"

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