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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Now That's Creepy

This all began over a bullshit letter by Gail Early claiming the City of Olympia is out to end the Toy Run. It took under an hour before the usual fascists were spewing their all so special blend of hatred and murder.

glenn 10 hours ago
We have enemies of our country - we read their drool everyday. Now they have attacked something so generous from the heart that they have exposeed [sic] themselves for what they are - subhuman.

Sage 1 in reply to glenn
Wow. Just wow. Enemies of the country? You mean the intellectuals, the socialists and the Jews?

myolivercat in reply to Sage 1
NOT JUST THE PINK (pink pig) skinned no eyebrows or, lashes egotistical creeps like you !

Yes folks, that is verbatim. I think someone is a little too fond of Silence of the Lambs. That and really bad mind altering drugs. My guess is hard liquor and Oxycontin.

So, let me get this straight. Call a Tea Bagger a Tea Bagger and get your comment deleted, but call for the skinning of a human being in a truly horrifying spasm of torture porn is hunky dory.

Is anyone in charge at the Olympian?
Oh yeah. That ship sailed years ago.

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1 comment:

Kardnos said... all costs....

make sure that Larry doesn't post on The Olympian.

He is the problem