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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Doomsqual provided one explanation for us

It appears to me that Caestus might be one of those let out of a mental hospital.....  how else do we explain that non sequitur below?

  • doomsqual  Just now
    If this 19 yr old adult is handy with an axe to kill pets and brag about it to his family elders then has he used an axe to kill anything or anyone else? He didn't just suddenly have this drastic personality change to an crazed blood soaked axe murderer did he?

    With the mental hospitals and prisons letting more persons out to reduce overcrowding and for cost cutting then i'm sure this fine butcher-to-be or future taxidermist will be living in the woods or tent city to you......and your doggies.....

  • But at least you'll know why whale crap has krill in it.

    So there's that.

  • Read more:


    Kardnos said...

    If Crusteaus was rolling down the street in her canoe and all four wheels fell off, she still wouldn't know how many pancakes it takes to cover a doghouse.

    Anonymous98507 said...

    Now, now, Larry, let's not sell her too short.... She might be a personal friend of Snoopy who very likely DOES know how many pancakes it takes! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

    Anon_the_Great said...

    Sondrak is in another of her downward spirals.

    I guess her crank deals has some really good shit these days.

    a real winer said...

    I could be wrong, but I think that if anyone actually wanted to spend the time and energy tracking these downward spirals, off-the-rails points in time, it would point to fluctuating hormone levels, most likely progesterone. She's reached that magic age when those moody adolescent hormone surges of long ago seem like a walk in the park. And her bipolar tendencies magnify the effect, and vice versa.

    But, since nobody really wants to get that close to it, we'll just continue to think of her as a genuine bitch on wheels.