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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Poor Radec


Apparantly [sic] many of those posting on ThurstonBlog do not know how to play nice either. If you view their blog it is full of personal attacks, vile language, and hate towards those that have a different opinion. It is really disappointing because I was so looking forward to being a contributor, that is until I was attacked with a word I cannot use here. I would not recommend that site to anyone who likes civil discourse.

Poor little radec. It had to open an Olyblog account to whine about us over there.

Come on radec, share some of your fascist droolings with the granola eaters over there and see how long you last.


Kardnos said...

That's my internet stalker. I've been ignoring it on The News Tribune and driving it crazy.

Anon_the_Great said...

Do an image google search on radec. It will turn up Nazi-like characters from a 1st person shooter game.

It is pretty pathetic it signs up on one blog to whine about another.

sidrat38 said...

funny how someone that anagrams anothers account claims about personal attacks

sidrat38 said...

From now on my name will be ERDAC!

sidrat38 said...


sidrat38 said...


sidrat38 said...

Anything that's an anagram of Cedar..for apparently, I'm not bright enough to come up with my own name...

sidrat38 said...

Sucks to be a little fish in an insignificant little pond, doesn't it, Cedar wannabe????