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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

ahem................I mean.....uh...well...I...uh...well......

"You know what's funny is that there is a website out of Olympia that has a roll up of a woman showing her buttocks to anyone that happens on that site and moves their mouse in the wrong place.
Now is that any different than Weiner's behavior? Showing your buttocks to EVERYONE that visits your website? Would that not be perverted and predatory? What about children that would happen on that site?
"SadujTogracse says:
June 8, 2011 at 9:35 pm
First of all my buttocks is not anywhere on the internet, I'm not who you think I am so you're wrong yet again."
Thou dost protest too much. I don't see one word where I said "sadujtogracse's buttocks".....
The "your" in my statement was the rhetorical "your"
Who do I think you are?

SadujTogracse says:
Yeah because a picture that's no worse than a woman in a bikini bottom is the same as sending "johnson" pictures to vaious people who didn't ask for them. Welcome to Kardnos' twisted world.

Pictures of a bare buttocks is OK, spread around the internet.
I have an idea. Try posting that image on Disqus in a McClatchy newspaper and see how long it stays up.
Welcome to Saduj's hypocritical world......but the picture isn't you...right?
This is really getting funny......Oh...I know where this dialog belongs.....LMAO

Read more:

For all to read, laugh and enjoy!


Anonymous98507 said...

SadujTogracse says:
JUNE 8, 2011 AT 10:56 PM
Oh and I forgot, Kardnos also posted my comments on his blog, this stalking thing is actually kind of scary.

"Kind of" different when it isn't her doing the stalking, isn't it?

Kardnos said...

Yeah....when you announce you're going to post something on a blog that's stalking......LOL

Emma is a what??????

Kardnos said...

What is an Internet stalker?
At its mildest, a stalker is simply a troll that has attached itself to an individual.

Let's see now...who followed me to my blog???????

LostOnAnIsland said...

Talk about delusions of grandeur, she actually thinks her flat elongated ass is worthy of sharing. She needs to find a stairmaster and hit it as hard as she hits her crack pipe.

Anon_the_Great said...

All I can say is Thank God Sondrak's ass is not on the intertubes.

Spinnaker said...

If that particular ass shows up here, I'll have to get a wider screen.