Now is that any different than Weiner's behavior? Showing your buttocks to EVERYONE that visits your website? Would that not be perverted and predatory? What about children that would happen on that site?
"SadujTogracse says:
June 8, 2011 at 9:35 pm
First of all my buttocks is not anywhere on the internet, I'm not who you think I am so you're wrong yet again."
Thou dost protest too much. I don't see one word where I said "sadujtogracse's buttocks".....
The "your" in my statement was the rhetorical "your"
Who do I think you are?
Yeah because a picture that's no worse than a woman in a bikini bottom is the same as sending "johnson" pictures to vaious people who didn't ask for them. Welcome to Kardnos' twisted world.
Pictures of a bare buttocks is OK, spread around the internet.
I have an idea. Try posting that image on Disqus in a McClatchy newspaper and see how long it stays up.
Welcome to Saduj's hypocritical world......but the picture isn't you...right?
This is really getting funny......Oh...I know where this dialog belongs.....LMAO
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